Beating Procrastination: A College Application Guide for Seniors


Kevin McMullin




5 min read

Beating Procrastination: A College Application Guide for Seniors

College application deadlines have a way of sneaking up on you even when you’re certain of the dates. You start out with plenty of time to get them done, so waiting until tomorrow can’t hurt. But those tomorrows add up quickly. And before you know it, the deadlines are coming at you fast. Instead of feeling relaxed and focused, now you’re feeling rushed and anxious. That’s never a good recipe for submitting clear, thoughtful, mistake-free applications.

How did you end up in this situation? Parkinson’s law.

“Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.”

Parkinson’s Law states: “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” Time in front of you can chip away at your sense of urgency for a project. Even worse, it opens the door to too many excuses that halt your progress.

This can wait until tomorrow.

I don’t have any good ideas for this essay.

I’ll spend today just getting organized (but not doing any of the actual work).

As those excuses add up, the work completed does not. Eventually, you’re scrambling to complete work you previously had plenty of time to do. That’s when your winter break transforms into no break at all.

As the founder and Chief Education Officer at Collegewise, we help our students skirt Parkinson’s Law every year. If you have college applications that still need to be completed over the winter break, you can do the same.

Set your own deadlines

Imagine your dream colleges just informed you they would guarantee your admission provided you: (1) submitted all your applications one week from today, and (2) ensured every application reflected your best effort. What would you do for the next seven days?

You’d find a way. You’d make your applications as good as they could possibly be. You’d be proud of your effort. And you’d still have plenty of winter break left. Just changing the deadline suddenly made that missing motivation and sense of healthy urgency show up.

Why not change your application deadlines to work for you?

Choose your own reasonable deadline ahead of the actual deadline. Then treat it like the real thing and get to work. You could even build in an extra day to sleep on it and come back for one final review.

Imagine the peace of mind of meeting that personal deadline. Imagine the relief you’d feel. Imagine how much better your applications would be if you put that much focus and effort into them right now.

And best of all, you’ll enjoy the sweet relief of pushing “Submit” with time left to enjoy a relaxing chunk of your winter break.

I’m not suggesting you rush your work—it takes time, reflection, and revision to put together a great application, especially if you’re writing application essays. But this work will expand to fill the space of whatever deadline you honor. If you want to skirt Parkinson’s Law, start by giving yourself less space to fill.

Fast-Track College Admissions Support for High School Seniors

For some, the above advice may be easier read than done, alone! That’s why Collegewise has developed a range of products designed specifically to help seniors when college application deadlines feel too close for comfort. Work with one of our expert counselors to remove the pressure and ensure that you can apply with confidence.

We believe that the journey to college is about more than just getting in; it's about preparing for a future filled with possibilities. That's why we offer a wide range of carefully curated products and services tailored to your family's specific needs.

Through small group classes, 1:1 expert sessions and essay/application reviews, we are here to support your family every step of the way. All sessions are held virtually.

Enroll now to receive the guidance and support your family deserves before spots fill up!

👩🏽‍💻 Hourly 1:1 Admissions Counseling

Meet with a college admissions expert to get all of your family's application questions answered, including major selection, school list analysis and more.

Enroll by 11/30 for support on applications due 1/1.

Price: $300

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🏦 Financial Aid 1:1 Hourly Counseling

Schedule a session with a financial aid expert to receive strategic guidance on how to maximize aid, fill out the FAFSA and find scholarship opportunities.

Price: $300

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📝 Essay Lite

Submit a draft of your Common App personal statement to receive feedback from an editing expert.

Enroll by 11/13 for support on applications due 11/30.

Price: $300

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👓 Common App Review

Submit one application of your choice for feedback and strategic guidance from college admissions experts.

Enroll by 11/13 for support on applications due 11/30.

Price: $995

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🕶️ UC App Review

Submit your University of California application for feedback and strategic guidance from a college admissions expert.

Enrollment Deadline: 11/13

Price: $995

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🎓 Full Support Admissions Guidance

Looking for support on the entire application journey?

If you’re not a senior yet, remove the stress from the process and receive robust 1:1 counseling on 8,12, or more applications.

Price: Dependent upon individual needs.

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Author's Bio:

Kevin McMullin

Kevin McMullin is the founder and Chief Education Officer at Collegewise. He is the author of If the U Fits: Expert Advice on Finding the Right College and Getting Accepted and has delivered over 500 presentations to discuss college admissions planning, employee engagement, and small business success. Kevin graduated from UC Irvine with majors in English and history (where he answered, “What will you do with those majors?” approximately 783 times), and he has a college counseling certificate from UCLA.

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